
Mar 31, 2020

Guest Blog - Peace in Christ by Crafty

Yesterday was my P-Day and I had the sudden urge to do something creative, so I took some old dance footage from a school project last year and I made a video. The song "Peace in Christ" has always been special to me. Sometimes it seems like feeling at peace in this life is impossible, but I know that through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can truly feel at peace. I am so grateful for him and the peace I have because of him. I am also so grateful for the art of dance and it's liberating power. Through Jesus Christ and dance I feel free.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” -John 14:26–27

"Let them praise his name in the dance" -Psalm 149:3


  1. This was lovely! Thanks for sharing sweet Crafty. Sending hugs your way!

  2. This was lovely! Thank you for sharing. We all need to feel peace through Christ, and you are spreading that word. Hugs for your Crafty!
