
Mar 5, 2020

The Best Doctor Ever

Yesterday was my follow up visit for my foot. My doctor was awesome! He took the stitches out first and then he rewrapped it so we could go home. He was pleased with the way they looked and said I didn't have to see him again for 3 weeks.

As we headed out the door, I was feeling pretty optimistic. My sweetie got me home just as Twiz was dropping off Twizzler and Twizlet. Have I told you that Twizlet wants to be a doctor? She loves to evaluate the shape and color of the baby's poop, diagnose any bumps bruises or cuts, and she has been especially interested in my surgery.

"Did you get your stitches out, Mom?" She always calls me Mom, probably because pretty much everyone else does. I had barely had a chance to sit down.

"Can I see?" Of course I was expecting that exact question. I started unstrapping my boot. She helped.

She even took a picture for me. (I was not as excited about the way they looked as my doctor was... they still seem so swollen to me.)

She helped me put the wraps back on and then she offered to brush my hair and get me a snack.

I told you I had the best doctor ever.

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