
Mar 4, 2020

Mission Letter from Crafty in the Philippines

Crafty is so busy these days, but i wanted to share a bit of her letter with you. I'm having trouble with her pictures, so stop back later today and we will see if I can manage to move them with my computer rather than my phone.


Hello beautiful people! I love you all so much! I am going to keep this short and just share a quick story about the gift of tongues. 

The Gift of Tongues 

The other day we were teaching a first lesson to two brothers with a member worker. Sister V said the opening prayer. While she was praying, I prayed silently and fervently in my head that the people we were teaching would be blessed with the spirit and the gift of tongues. At one point during the lesson I asked a question but they didn’t answer right away. Sister V asked if they understood the question. To which one of them said, “Yes I did. Are you half?” (meaning half Filippino). To which of course I respond that I wasn’t and that I was from America. “Pure American?” he asked. To which I said yes.  He said “Wait! How do you know Tagalog?” 

* Side note: Also I honestly don’t remember if this part of the conversation was in English or Tagalog. I think Tagalog but I’m honestly not sure haha

 I responded that I had just started learning Tagalog and I had only been here two months. With a look of complete shock on his face, he said, “Who’s your teacher?!” To which Sister V pointed to the sky and responded “God.” The spirit was so strong through the rest of the lesson. I am so glad that God is blessing me and the people I teach with the gift of tongues. 

Some other highlights: 

We had a service project with the elders in our district pulling weeds for a member in their ward. I got to practice my Flippino squat and I am actually quite good at it now. It was a lot of fun and I think I made a tricycle driver’s day. He drove past and saw me squatting and pulling weeds and he slowed down and started laughing his head off. 

I got offered balut. I’ve tried it before but I didn’t particularly enjoy the experience so I politely declined. Luckily though, they just gave me a regular hard boiled egg. 

Brother and Sister C came to church on Sunday and want to get baptized! I am so excited for them. They are making so many amazing changes in their lives. 

I tried some new fruit! Filippino fruit is so delicious!

I am actually getting quite tan! (I mean for me. I’m still relatively pale haha)

I stole this scripture from Sister A (one of my MTC companions). Sister A, if you’re reading this sorry but it’s just so good haha. 

It’s a scripture about missionaries and it’s exactly how I feel. 

“And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of afflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ.”

I love you all and I am praying for you. Keep on being awesome. 

Here’s a funny Filippino recipe you can try:

It’s a street food called “Hot Sweet Cheesy Corn” (I didn’t make it up, that’s what they call it haha)


Can of regular corn

Sweet and condensed milk

Cheese powder (I don’t know exactly what kind they use but you could try Mac and Cheese powder I guess)


Warm up the corn and pour it into a cup

Pour on warm sweet and condensed milk (about 2-3 tablespoons per serving) and cheese powder (not too much, just like a teaspoon or two per serving). And then stir it. It should basically look like runnier mac and cheese but with corn. 

Imagine yourself walking down the street in the heat of the Philippines

Eat it with a little spoon

I love you all! If you make the recipe please send me a picture and tell me what you think. See you in 2021!

-Sister Crafty (Your hot, sweet, and cheesy missionary )

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