
Mar 7, 2020

Good Old Days

Friday was such a crazy day for us!! Baby Doll and Curly were out of school, so with my limited mobility, we tried to get as much done as we possibly could. First we went to the grocery store. It has been a while since I have been in a store, but the electric scooter helped us a lot. 

After that, Baby Doll and I got our hair cut. Curly stayed home and watched Twizlet and put away the groceries, but we took Twizzler with us. I'm so glad that he is such a good baby.

We finished up with just enough time to get home and finish getting ready for our girl scout meeting. Wait, I mean Baby Doll and Twiizzler went inside to help Scout while I ran off again to take Curly to the park for baseball practice. About half the things we bought at the store were for the meeting Scout had been planning. The girls were going to cook! They made delicious butterscotch cookies and smoothies. We finished up just before 5:30.

We had to get all Baby Doll's hair and makeup done, gather 3 costumes, tights, shoes, and all of those things required for the Performance Showcase, and get everyone in the car by 6:00. A  couple of people also stopped by for their cookies during that timeframe too.

We climbed into the car by 6:07 and drove straight to the park to pick up Curly from practice. Baby Doll was supposed to be at the school by 6:30, but we got there at 6:38. Thankfully, she wasn't in trouble, they were just happy to see her.

Baby Doll is on the right
The show started at 7:00. It was so fun to watch the performing teams and the production team! Baby Doll was in 3 different numbers, but I have to confess that when the oldest team members danced, I missed Crafty so badly that I got a bit sniffly for a couple of minutes.

Still on the right
Baby Doll did a great job!

This time she is on the left
After the performance was over, we drove to IHOP to enjoy a late supper. Sort of reminded me of the good ol' days when life was crazy nonstop all the time.

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