
Jan 2, 2020

Happy New Year!!

We had a super fun and different New Year's celebration this year! Beauty and The Beast decided that they wanted to do a toddler party (since they have 2 little boys) with all the little cousins. The party started at 4:30 in the afternoon, because they didn't want any of the kids to miss their bedtimes.

We ate chicken nuggets from a catering tray that Bossy won from Chick-fil-A and nachos courtesy of Netflix and Drama Queen's last day of work. As usual, Beauty and The Beast had lots of others treats and goodies for everyone.

While we were waiting for the "Ball to Drop," we had 14 of the older party-goers play a debate game. It was fun and exciting and a little bit biased...not that I'm still pouting... ok, maybe a little, but I still think I won my debate even though the judge overturned the verdict and it didn't go in my favor.

Anyway, our goal was to have midnight happen right around 7:00 pm. Beauty had blown up a huge pile of balloons that The Beast had gathered into a large sheet and he pulled out a tablet and did an actual internet countdown from YouTube. When we got to one, he threw the balloons everywhere!

It was pretty exciting!

The kids all pulled tiny champagne poppers and I had Little Warrior on my lap, so I got to help him learn how to pull one even though his little hands weren't strong enough to set it off. You can imagine what a mess we all made! We even toasted in the new year with tiny bottles of sparkling cider and capri suns.

As we started cleaning things up, Sport decided to stick a balloon to the ceiling with static electricity from Taco's hair and when it worked so well, he just kept sticking them up there. Pretty soon, half the ceiling was covered with balloons!

It wasn't long before he was getting help from the other tall people, with the goal being to get all the balloons to stick before one fell.

Finally, when nearly the entire ceiling was full, everyone started discussing ways to get them to come down. Beauty tried a spray bottle filled with water and it eventually brought down one. Then The Beast thought maybe we could get them to drop with sound waves so he put his subwoofer up on the ceiling and pounded out some rock music, but that only made them dance, not fall.

Finally, an open door brought down a few more, but by then The Beast was tired of the game and he stabbed one with a screwdriver. Then Beauty went after a box full of screwdrivers and pretty soon they were being demolished by anyone who could reach. It was a second chance to "pop" in the New Year.

When the party was over, some of the kids drifted over to our house and picked up the party from there. I was pretty tired since we had actually been partying before noon when we went with Teach's family to see Frozen II. I did manage to pull myself together to go outside for my sweetie's quick fireworks show.

I'm so excited to begin a new decade. The last part of this one has been pretty rough, but I'm hoping for brighter days just around the corner.

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