
Jan 4, 2020

Seems Like Old Times

Teach went back to work on the 2nd, but she said she only had 13 of her 21 students in class. I think her school district was not very reasonable about the length of the break. Now the kids in our district have out all the way until Monday. That gave us sufficient time to put away Christmas decorations, clean their rooms (which they haven't done yet), put away their new Christmas gifts (which they haven't done either), and most important, play a little basketball.

Twizlet took these pics. I didn't know they existed until we got home.

I'm pretty sure I told you that I am coaching Baby Doll's and Curly's Jr. Jazz basketball teams this year. We have had such a long break since we had a game (December 14th), that I reserved a gym and held practices for both teams.

It was like old times having our little Twizzler wrapped in the mobi around my chest while I taught the kids how to play just a little bit better basketball. When my older kids were younger and I coached them, I almost always had a baby on my hip, often even during the real games. Most of my younger kids love to play sports because they watched them from the time they were born... before they were born even.

Our games don't start up again until next Saturday, January 11th, but at least the kids will get one more practice in before we play. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't try to straddle the holidays, but just start playing in January instead. It would sure make things a little easier.

Sometimes I think I avoid easy...

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