
Dec 30, 2019

Visiting Grandma

One thing we always like to do sometime during the Christmas season is take a trip to Sanpete County to visit my sweetie's mom. She is in her 80s now and it is difficult for her to get around. Often when we make the trip, we will help around the house and my sweetie will do home improvement projects for her, but this time we mostly just visited.

It was a quick trip since we didn't get out of church until 12:30, but my sweetie had made eggnog french toast for breakfast so we all grabbed some of the leftovers for lunch, packed in gifts and food for Grandma and sandwiches for dinner on  the way home and we were on the road shortly after 1:00.

Scout read us a book on the way down about JK Rowling, and I sewed patches on Baby Doll's scout vest. I am trying to get it ready for her to sell cookies in another week or so. She bridged from Brownies last year, so we had to remove all of her patches so they could be resewn on her green Junior vest. I could do them much faster on the sewing machine, but if I do them by hand, I can work on them anywhere and although it takes longer, it is still generally quicker to get done.

But I digress...

Grandma was waiting for us when we arrived and we had a good visit while she opened the gifts we brought her. She loved the new umbrella for her patio. Scout and Baby Doll were so excited to receive the little dolls she had crocheted for them!! They will be something they can treasure and keep to show their own daughters.

All too soon it was time for us to leave. My sweetie wanted to get through the canyon before dark since a storm was supposed to be coming in. We said our goodbyes and hit the road. Scout made us all sandwiches and we finished the last few chapters of the Book of Revelations and the New Testament. I'm so excited to start the Book of Mormon in our Come, Follow Me studies! It truly is my favorite book.

We got home about just before 6:00, unloaded the car, and got settled for the evening. It won't be many more days that we get to spend together before the holidays are over, but I'm sure glad we got to have this one.

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