
Aug 23, 2019

Getting Ready to Sell

I can't remember if I told you that Beauty and The Beast are getting ready to sell their home in Herriman. They are trying to find something smaller and closer to work so they can spend less time commuting and more time with their boys. Anyway, we have spent a fair amount of time helping them get things all spiffed up and ready for the housing market.

My favorite job was working inside and watching babies while the guys all worked on the yard. So after feeding and changing Little Squire, he looked so cute that first I snapped his pic.

Then I decided I wanted to be in the picture as well, so I did my best attempt at a selfie.

After a couple of tries, Franco saw us lying on the floor and I'm sure you can guess what happened next...

Enough excitement for one day, Franco?

Tonight we have both dogs here with us since they are planning to show the house multiple times over the weekend. I'm starting to think it is much easier watching the baby!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, preparing and selling a home; isn't easy. However, I do like your job. The photos are adorable with you, your grandson and then the dog.
    Blessings and hugs!
