
Aug 25, 2019

Girl Scout Awards Picnic 2019

On Friday night we had our Girl Scout Awards Picnic and honestly, I have been stressing about this one since I seem to have so many other things going on. Thank goodness Drama Queen offered to help. She put herself in charge of the decorations, the Bridging Ceremony, and the gifts for our outgoing seniors.

That put me in charge of awards and food. We decided to do the pulled pork sandwiches again since they are very popular and easy to make. Scout also made Brownies for us and I bought chips. Each family brought a salad to share and that made our food run pretty smoothly.

After everyone was finished eating, we brought up each girl for her awards. I had my older girls all help with the announcing and they though it would be fun to do a receiving line, so that was different. Only problem is that it left us without a photographer. In fact, I took a few pics at the beginning and then I promptly forgot about them.

Drama Queen's Bridging Ceremony was so cute! She made big circles out of paper and taped them to the side walk. They were beautiful colors and they each had a word of a famous saying on them. The girls loved hopping across so they could be with the entire troop waiting on the other side.

Lastly, we did our friendship circle. It was hard knowing we were losing 3 of our oldest girls and 3 of our younger girls who had already moved over the summer. I've struggled with the change, but I finally have my new troop together and ready to go so we will be starting up again in October. The entire troop is younger and I'm excited about that.

1 comment:

  1. You continue to amaze me with our efforts with the Girl Scouts. This looked like a great scout award event. Hugs for all of you!
