
Aug 21, 2019

First Day of School 2019

My numbers for kids starting school are dwindling...

I didn't manage to get a pic of Sport for you. Now that he can drive to school, he comes and goes on his own without any prompting, which is nice, and you did see pics of his Eagle Project a few days ago. He is in the 11th grade this year and since he did all of those summer college classes, he is already in the swing of things and has quickly immersed himself in the homework.

Scout is an 8th grader this year and it is pretty obvious that she was not all that excited about the first day of school. Her best friend moved away during the summer and she was a bit nervous about having to start making new ones, but it all worked out and she came home with a good first day.

Curly is in the 6th grade and he is excited to try all of the things he has watched his brothers and sisters do. One thing he won't be doing is the 6th grade dance. It sounds like the school district has decided that particular activity just won't work here. Not sure what that means, but Curly is pretty disappointed.

Baby Doll is now in the 3rd grade and although she was nervous, her first day turned out great! She is really liking her new teacher and even though she lost 2 of her best friends to other schools, she is quickly making new ones. I think we are all in for a great year!

1 comment:

  1. Always fun to see photos of the first day of school for children. Your photos are adorable. They all look ready for the beginning of a new year. There is always some level of excitement in starting the new year.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
