
Jun 3, 2019

Crazy, Crazy Life

Things are flashing by me so quickly, I hardly have time to post anything. Let me give you a quick weekend rundown although I will likely post a little more in-depth on some of these later.

So you all know that I had Twizlet all week while her parents were out of town, but what you don't know is that it was my Li'l Sis's anniversary this weekend and I couldn't possibly tell her that I wouldn't watch her 3 kiddos while she and her sweetie spend a night at the Anniversary Inn. They came up just in time for our Girl Scout meeting at 3:00 and they left around 3:30 even though things didn't officially end until 4:30.

After scouts, I took off to run a few necessary errands while my sweetie cooked dinner. After we all ate, the big bunch of us (11 in all although there was a huge percentage of them under the age of 8) piled into our big van and we drove out to Riverton to watch the Cinderella ballet our neighbor was performing in. It was awesome, but a little long for the kids. although when we got home, they didn't seem a bit tired even though we had to get up early on Saturday. As it turned out, Twizlet was the last one to close her eyes when I finally convinced her that 3:30 AM was way past bedtime. Even the Melatonin didn't work.

I needed that much time to get ready for Saturday anyway.

On Saturday morning, we were all up by 8:30, dressed, and piling in the car with all of their bags and one of my own to head up to the Girl Scout Cookie Party at Cowabunga Bay. I managed to score last minute tickets for the niece and nephew who were extra. The oldest one earned her way there by selling enough cookies. The waterpark was chilly, but the water was warm and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves until they kicked us all out of the Lazy River because someone didn't make it to the bathroom...

So I got dressed in my Sunday best and I dressed Twizlet as well while they cleaned up the mess and then we went back to our central meeting place to wait. The kids only had about half an hour left to swim anyway. Li'l Sis and her hubby met us in the parking lot and took their kids home. My sweetie showed up a few minutes later to take us to Manti where our nephew's famly was being sealed to his wife and children in the Manti Temple. It was a quick 2-hour drive with only a stop for gas and potties and then another to drop the kids off at my MIL's house.

The temple was beautiful and amazing as usual although they didn't tell us that the sealing room they had chosen required us to wear our white clothing and unfortunately, we didn't know, so we left it home. That sent us to the rental counter and a mad dash to get into the sealing room. Eventually that worked out and then we picked up the kids and went to the church for a nice lunch.

We stopped at my MIL's house again to help her with a few things that needed done. We finally arrived home around 8:30 and found Teach and Twiz waiting somewhat impatiently for their cute little Twizlet. It was an exhausting couple of days and things didn't get a whole lot better for Sunday other than the blessing for our cute little Polliwog, but that's a story for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, another wild, adventurous weekend for you. When did you have time to breathe. It was fun to read about it all, but it was exhausting.
    Sending loving thoughts and other blessings your way for calmer days!
