
Jun 5, 2019

Need to Plan a Camping Trip

Tomorrow is the last day of school for Curly and Baby Doll and then we are pretty much in summertime mode! I'm ready...

Today the Dog Walker dropped by before work and he started sorting through the camping stuff looking for some things for his MIL's family campout. He wanted a life jacket, the rafts, and a sleeping bag. That opened a huge can of worms until I eventually just had him bring in almost everything off the shelves so we could sort them.

He got to sort the air mattresses and I did the sleeping bags. I think my job was easier, because I only had to do a visual inspection. He had to inflate each one to see if it would hold air before he decided which pile to put it in. I did have one sleeping bag that had to be repaired, but that's not bad. We also came up with a solution for the frayed elastic loops that are supposed to hold the sleeping bags in place. None of them worked at all. Fortunately, The Beast just gave me some wide Velcro that was sticky-back, so we lined it up back to back and made straps for each of the bags. They work great!

Only a couple of major boxes left to sort and then I get to help the Dog Walker put them all back on the shelves.

I'm starting to feel like maybe it is possible to actually get my entire house organized, the trick is to keep things organized. Just today I opened the cupboard door to find the dishes in total disarray. And my office closet had folders and binders and notebooks all out of place.

Anybody have any great ideas that could help me teach my kids that they need to keep things in their places?

1 comment:

  1. Our daughter and her family just moved out so we are back by ourselves again. I'm so anxious to clean and organize. Yup! I don't think children of today no how to put things back in their place. It does look like your camping gear is organized.
    Blessings and hugs!
