
Jun 2, 2019

More Graduation Stuff

Our school district started an awesome new tradition this year. Right after Graduation practice, the seniors loaded buses and headed for their old elementary schools. When they arrived at the school, they donned cap and gown and walked the halls like celebrities. I'm pretty sure they even signed autographs!

The kids loved it, both big and little. Crafty got to give "high fives" to her own brother and sister which made it even that much more fun.

The district is hoping to get kids excited about graduating from high school so they can see the end result right from the beginning. From the smiles on the faces, it seems there are right on track for a win!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is an awesome idea and I feel it should have an impact on the younger children. I loved the photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
