
May 29, 2019

Vacationing at Lake Taco, uh, I mean Tahoe

As you all know, Teach is expecting again, a little boy this time, in October. So within a couple of days of finishing up teaching her 4th graders, she and Twiz headed off on Sunday for what we are all calling a "Babymoon." When Twizlet asked where they were going, her mama said "Lake Tahoe." And as any smart 2-year-old would do when presented with a ridiculous word she didn't understand, she found the next closest thing. "Lake Taco?"

Since her mama and daddy are out playing, we decided to have a little fun of our own. All of these things (and more!) happened today. After my sweetie, Twizlet, Skittles, Grandpa and I went downtown to visit the Urologist and have his stent removed, we needed to relax a little. I played a rousing game of catch with Curly while Baby Doll and Twizlet decided that reading on the trampoline was a great idea.

Curly's scout troop was swimming tonight for a preliminary swim check, so we borrowed the pool after them and had a great time with Bossy and her family. Twizlet loves the water! I think she jumped off the side nearly 50 times. It made me tired...

My sweetie is building his mom a support system for her outside deck chair. As he was assembling it, Twizlet wandered by, took one look, threw her toast to the floor and immediately began some pretty impressive gymnastics on the uneven bars.

Then my sweetie had one of the kids bring in a chair so he could test it for the proper fit and she climbed right up, begging for the crown so she could truly be the king.

Toward bedtime, she discovered fresh cherries while hanging out with my sweetie. She absolutely loved them! The first one was a slimy mess, but half an hour later her pit came out of her mouth completely clean.

Last but not least, My sweetie wanted a haircut and before I could even pull out the scissors, she had climbed up into the chair and insisted that she needed her hair cut too.

I wonder what new adventures tomorrow will bring? More news from Lake Taco?

1 comment:

  1. The photos and thoughts are so fun of that sweet grandbaby of yours. I can see she is very inventive. I like that her parents could have some moments away before a new baby comes.
    Blessings and hugs!
