
May 28, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend - Part 2

You already know we did baseball and yardwork, but we also had plenty of time for other things as well.

On Sunday we had our Big Family Birthday Party for the May birthdays. We had 3 this time, Puppy Lover, Gamer, and Bean Dip. Unfortunately, Puppy Lover had a party scheduled with her family that overlapped ours, so she was unable to come, but we still celebrated for the other guys. My sweetie made his famous chili and it was such a beautiful day that we ate in the yard. We had to party early because at 5:00 we had Seminary Graduation for Crafty. She was even invited to say the closing prayer.

Then on Monday which was actually Memorial Day, we piled into vehicles and made the trek south to visit graves and family. Little Brother had his annual get-together at one of our ancestral cemeteries and then he shared a treat with all of us. Grandpa's grandfather and grandmother were the two people he spotlighted this year and it was fun to hear some of Grandpa's memories of them. He was just a boy when he lost his grandpa and then is his teens when his grandma passed away.

From there we headed on our traditional route, ultimately visiting 9 cemeteries before the day was over. Our last stop was for our own beloved Calder right here in our hometown. We met Bossy's family there and we spent some time wandering between the graves, looking for other names we knew. Emotions ran high as we saw stones for some of our neighbors and friends and even their children. A cemetery is such a bittersweet experience.

Skittles loved the doughnut we brought him from Terrel's.
Sport asked me what kind of headstone I wanted on my grave and I'm not sure he understood when I told him it didn't matter to me because the resting place was for the family still on earth to visit and share memories, but I don't intend to have my spirit spend much time beneath the cold hard clay.

Sport loves the babies.

We are heading into the final week of school and many more changes, but we can get into that later. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend full of love and family and memories.

A missing binky brought on tears and trauma along with a new and sassy one.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy that you had a great Memorial Day weekend. I do think it is a sweet but hard day due to so many memories of loved ones that have passed. I loved the photos and especially the big family one.
    Blessings and hugs!
