
May 30, 2019

Happy Graduation Day, Crafty... again!

I'm so proud of this girl of mine! If you remember, this is her second graduation this month; first from Salt Lake Community College several weeks ago, and now from Bingham High School. We even received word today that she had been awarded another scholarship, $600 for the Cornelia Benton Scholarship. This is directly related to Girl Scouts which, as you know, has played a huge role in all of our lives.

I've spent much time today thinking about the fact that my 8th child will be graduating from high school tomorrow and honestly, it makes me a bit melancholy. I've been watching all of her YouTube videos, and this dance is one of my favorites not only because it is dedicated to one of her sisters, but because of all of her work, it is the one where I have seen her display the most expression; the most pain.

Usually she is plastering on a smile or stoically following her team's lead by not smiling and holding a pose. Here she just dances with all the passion and love balled up inside of her over worry for someone else.

Crafty is very talented in multiple styles of dance including pointe work as you know, but of all of them, this one just tugs at my soul. If you have a minute, watch and see what you think.

Happy Graduation Day!!
Much love, Crafty. 💕

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed watching this lovely video. She was very expressive and is a powerful dancer. I loved it. Hugs for your Crafty~
