
May 7, 2019

Finding Pneumonia

It's been a very difficult weekend.

On Friday, after Crafty's graduation, Curly and I ran our broken double oven down to the neighborhood dumpster. Unfortunately, someone had already put some huge beanbags in there about the size of a twin bed. One of them had a hole in it and as the ancient foam rubber came spilling out, pieces disintegrated and became airborne.

Some of that toxic stuff found its way into my lungs. I started coughing right away and by Saturday night, the cough had progressed until I found myself in the emergency room.

The diagnosis was bacterial pneumonia with a side of bronchitis in the airways just for good measure. I am still coughing all the time, but at least I'm not getting progressively worse. I have a followup with my main doctor tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

I just wanted everyone to know that pneumonia doesn't always come in the form of a cold and illness.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a bit scary! I will be praying for you dear friend.
    Blessings and hugs!
