
May 9, 2019

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

I was pretty sick over the weekend, but after I got on the antibiotics and started to mend, I told my sweetie I didn't want to cancel our Cinco de Mayo celebration. Bossy's family had picked up an authentic pinata for us and it was already stuffed and good to go. The food was already cooking in the crockpot, and we had about 40 people scheduled to celebrate with us.

I really didn't want to cancel.

My sweetie and the kids did all the work. Gamer put up the pinata in the front yard while Dog Walker set up tables and my sweetie finished up the food. We had sweet pork burritos and nachos, tacos, and  Drama Queen's amazing tres leches cake.

We always swing at the pinata in age order. This year, Skittles was first.
We sat down to dinner about 6:00, but the ominous black clouds had us abandoning our plates and heading for the front yard where the kids broke the pinata just in time. They were still gathering the last of the candy when the raindrops began to fall.

Hit it hard, Little Warrior!

Ready, Twizlet?!

I love these random holidays that give me an excuse to get my family together.

Drama Queen pitched the pinata to Dog Walker for the last big swing!

1 comment:

  1. I am happy that you felt good enough to continue with your plan. This looked like a spectacular party. You little ones have grown so much. I loved the photos of the two of them and the older kids too.
    Blessings and hugs!
