
May 11, 2019

Finally a Win

Today was a major milestone in Curly's baseball career. The comp team he has been playing with all season finally won their first game!! It really has been a big thing. Curly has been working hard, and he is definitely a major play for the team. In fact, he pitched 3 great innings tonight.

He also hit in the winning run with a crushing double into deep left field. While on the mound he snagged a pop fly and he made several great plays at 1st. Final score was 8 - 10.

In other news, Grandpa has been struggling with a kidney stone and we spent a good part of yesterday at the Emergency Room. He has been in a fair amount of pain, but remains in good spirits.

My pneumonia is getting better. I'm almost finished with my antibiotics and other than many coughing spells every day, I feel like I am finally on the mend.

My sweetie's toe is also finally healing up from the infection he had a couple of weeks ago. 

Burrito had a terrific scooter crash and Bossy took him to the Emergency Room today because of the giant knot on his head and this amazing hole created by the handlebar. Fortunately, nothing was broken and her appears to be on the mend already.

Crafty is doing her last dance competition this weekend. Scout and Sport both started a new volleyball league this week, and life continues to spiral toward the end of May. Crafty and Sport had their closing social for Cupcake Club on Thursday, so that is on hold for a while, and the FCCLA induction ceremony on Thursday required Crafty to pass the gavel along to the next president.

Princess and I are actually planning that Disneyland trip we promised the Dog Walker after his mission was over. The summer is already packed with camps and swimming lessons, school and scouts. Now if we can just get there...


  1. Wow, it looks like you have had some sad things happen in between the fun ones. You so Have such a busy life. I do hope you are feeling yourself soon without the cough. Pray that your Dad will be better from his kidney stones; those are are very painful. All the health stuff doesn't sound fun. Wrapping up the school year is a busy one.
    Just for now; I'm wishing for you an extra special Mother's Day tomorrow.
    Sending happy thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way!

  2. Beautiful family! Happy Mother's Day!!!
