
May 5, 2019

It's Graduation Day!

You all know that Crafty is a Senior in high school, and you also know she has been taking college-level courses for a very long time. On Friday, all of her hard work finally paid off when she earned her Associate's Degree from Salt Lake Community College!

Earning her high school diploma and her 2-year degree at the same time makes her a New Century Scholar in Utah. The also means that the state will pay her money to complete her next two years of school.

She was able to get quite a few of her credits through concurrent enrollment and AP classes, but many of them were done during the summer when her friends and siblings were out having fun.

So proud of her!

Since my sweetie and I are not seafood people, it has been our tradition of late to take the kids to our favorite Japanese restaurant and let them try sushi for the first time. When we first did it with Dog Walker, I thought sure he was going to puke. Crafty held it together much better. She even suggested that she might like it.

That will make it much easier if she is assigned to a mission in Japan... that's right, Crafty started the process to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Her availability date will be October 1. We just have to finish up all this high school stuff first.


  1. Congratulations Crafty! I loved reading about your accomplishments and desire to serve a mission.
    Hugs for Crafty!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter Crafty...and to signing up for a mission..I read your blog daily and if people where I live would have a mother and father such as you two are, we would have empty juvenile justice centers..Here in Washington soon scholars who do well in high school can get a free 4 year ride to public education post high school the bill has nearly passed the whole shebang in our capital in Olympia..also we have running start whereby one can attend the junior college & get their high school diploma and aa degree at the same time and it only costs for books, many get money from their high schools for books to boot..If only parents here would parent and help their children to be all they can, divorce is rampant and out of wedlock babies is way down, but I say if one is a parent it is a serious, sacred job and one has to really be able to do it for their kids sake, congrats to you both too what a wonderful family you have! Go - Crafty -GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
