
Mar 5, 2019

Backpacks Against Hunger

Another new and crazy week, I'm guessing. Not much variance in my life from that anymore. We spent most of the day on Saturday delivering cookies, but we did get an hour to visit the care center. The kids all partnered up with the residents and then they raced pinewood derby cars. My kids liked winning even more when they were not the ones in charge of the cars. OK, maybe not more...

On Friday, we had our Girl Scout troop meeting (so much Scouts this week!) and we took the girls shopping. Drama Queen and I had purchased 13 backpacks at JC Penney a while ago for $2.50 each and we had been saving them for a service project. So we gave each girl $10 and paired them up and let them buy a weekend full of groceries for a hungry kid.

Not everyone quite understood that it was more important to give them more than quick energy and sugar, but by the time we were finished, the backpacks were full and now they are ready to deliver to Teach's school. I hear she has quite a few kids who would be really happy to have food in their tummies on Saturdays and Sundays. I guess they can eat breakfast and lunch at school during the week and that's good, but they still need a little help with the weekends.

I'm so glad the girls are learning the value of service. That's one of my favorite parts of scouting... oh and the cookies...
... but not the deliveries.

1 comment:

  1. The cookies are yummy! I don’t know how you do all those deliveries. I love the backpack service project. It is a good one.
    Blessings and hugs!
