
Mar 7, 2019

CTE Influencer's Award

It seems that I like this every other day posting thing. I honestly have plenty of things going on that I could tell you about, but by the end of the day and after I have finished what has to be done, sometimes I'm just too tired to make it happen.

On Tuesday morning, I went to school with Crafty so that I could see her receive another amazing award. For the 2nd year in a row, she was given the CTE Influencer's Award! I wish we would have had that piece of information for her Sterling Scholar portfolio!

They had us come to the school at 7:00 AM for breakfast and after honoring the kids (which was the important part after all), we were given a cinnamon roll and a tiny bottle of chocolate milk. Not exactly the healthiest things on the planet and I'm sure most of those kids were hungry by 10:00 AM. I know I was...

Bossy and Gamer were in court again today while they try to decide who should have custody of Cat Woman's new little guy. It's been an ordeal. He is still in the hospital though with some weird thing that makes him stop breathing when he eats. He turns blue and everything! Or so I've been told. We haven't been able to visit him since that 2nd week until they determine his future.

Crafty is leaving for a leadership conference tomorrow and I'm hoping to wrap up cookies by the end of the weekend. It will be so nice to get things back to sort of normal. Just in time for Curly to start baseball season...


  1. I feel so bad for Bossy. She loves the baby so much and would be such a loving influence in his life. This just isn't fair. Hope it all works out. She is in my prayers.

  2. I feel so sad about Bossy and what they are going through. This must be very difficult. Prayers for that sweet baby.
    Just one quesiton is there really a normal fo you! Sending prayers, love and. Hugs your way!

  3. Sorry, I forgot to congatulate Crafty on her CTE Incluencer Award; that is awesome! Hugs for her.
