
Mar 3, 2019

Grandparents' Day

I'm not usually an overly emotional person, but I sure had a difficult time on Friday at the 2nd grade Grandparents' Day program. Being a grandma myself, and also watching my dad participate with my youngest daughter had me blubbering like a baby. This affected me on so many levels.

First, that my youngest is a 2nd grader and this is my last Grandparents' program with my own child was difficult enough, but then I got to thinking about how most of these kids in her class had young grandmas like me and I started to wonder about the injustice of her having only one grandpa and one grandma still living and the fact that she is the youngest of our brood. Some of the kids at the program had a whole row of grands and great-grands with them.

Then, of course, watching my dad be so cute with her as she invited him to dance. She had clearly been working on the waltz for a long time and she was so worried about every step. He was at ease with her and helped her remember who was leading and that she should relax and have fun.

Back in the classroom, she proudly presented him with pictures she had drawn and papers she had written and he treated each one as if it were the most important document he had ever read. I'm so glad my dad came to live with us so my younger kids could share their lives with him! It's mostly been a real pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. This was a really sweet post and I loved that they had this program. I really like that her Grandpa was there and they could dance together. That was so precious. You will treasure these awesome photos.
    Thanks for calling on the Girl Scout Cookies. I was happy I could get a couple of boxes.
    Blessinga and hugs!
