
Jan 13, 2019

Guest Blogger: Waitlisted by the Dog Walker

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My mom asked me to write a post for her, since she's having a little bit of writer's block and she's also been busy with other daily routines, including taking care of my younger siblings' homework that is challenging for them to understand. And speaking of challenges, my mom and I just experienced a challenge that happened to me for the first time at college,...Waitlisted!

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My mom has registered me into a college program that would help me go into graduating with a bachelor's degree and told me that after passing the Parenting and Finance classes, I only had 4 more classes, one of them being animal science and media ethics, and the two more for my last semester. Unfortunately, the media ethics class is the only one that is required, and they put me on the waitlist for a while and my Mom and I were hoping that they would change it a bit, since I was only the third person on the waitlist. I already attended the first week of the semester, but there haven't been any changes to my class schedule. I just had the feeling that I might have to take the media ethics class next fall and still be able to graduate by next Christmas. My mom and I are hoping by this week we might get a result to see if I'm accepted into the class for this semester or if I will have to wait until next semester. 

Either way is stressful and I don't like going to class if I might not be able to stay. Have any of you ever experienced being waitlisted? How did it work out?

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