
Jan 15, 2019

Way Too Crazy!

It seems so long since I've talked with you! First things first, Dog Walker was not admitted to his waitlisted class, so that changes a few things, but hopefully not everything. It just means he will have to take that COMM 3000 class with his Capstone in the fall so he can graduate with his BS degree in December as planned.

The girls' room all ready for lavender paint.

I have been a bit distracted, what with Girl Scout cookie sales in full swing and this huge remodel project that just keeps growing. I think I told you we had a toilet go out in November and we had to lock the door to keep the kids out after we threw away the toilet (just to be safe...) and my sweetie wanted to have it finished during the holidays. Complications slipped it into the first week in January and that's when the second project (and the third!) fell into our laps.

My sweetie actually said he felt like we were living on Hoarders!

You see, Project #2 started with Scout complaining about back trouble and as a 13-year-old that is as big as an adult, it was probably past time to get her a real bed rather than a bunk bed where the mattress rests on plywood. So Princess was super excited to get the bunk beds after they were disassembled, loaded into the big van and driven to Santaquin...
Beauty and a couple of the babies at the Ordination party.
Then my sweetie purchased beds online (in tiny little boxes!) so with all that time to wait, we decided to paint. Then, after realizing that the girls still had 25-year-old original carpet in their room, we thought it was time to recarpet too.

Waiting for these mattresses to SPRING out of their boxes was a bit anticlimactic...

That's when project #3 came along. Curly has been asking and asking for us to replace his 25-year-old carpet, so now he is also getting new paint and new carpet. And guess where all of their stuff is being stored at the moment? Yeah, in my room! I will be so glad when this project is finished and I can actually move around my room again. Did I mention that Curly's bed is in the living room?

In other exciting weekend news, Sport and Burrito both received ordinations and advancements in the Priesthood. Basketball is back to 4 nights a week and we did dentist and eye doctor today as well since the kids were out of school. Curly and Baby Doll go back to school tomorrow for the first time since Christmas break began, and Sport took the Accuplacer assessment, met with a counselor, and was approved for Early Enrollment and summer school at SLCC.

And yes, he was very happy about that. How was your weekend?

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