
Jan 11, 2019

Field Trip! Natural History Museum of Utah

As you know, Curly received his Arrow of Light and his Webelos patch for scouts in November. His leader wants all the boys to begin working on regular Scout badges, so he is finishing up Cub Scouts now and January will be his last pack meeting. It's pretty sad to see all of that ending, so rather than mope about it, he has decided to go out with a bang. We decided to finish every patch he could.

I'll let you know more about that in a couple of weeks when we have pack meeting, but one that we really didn't want to miss was the Natural History Museum of Utah patch. We have been to the Museum many times, but never with the babies. Teach, Twiz, and Twizlet met up with us there and we had Beauty drop off Little Warrior. That sweet girl is pregnant with baby boy #2 and she really could use a break.

Drama Queen drove us down to the University, and we ate Lunchables on the way so we didn't have to worry about dinner. We had the three youngest kids with us plus Puppy Lover since Dog Walker had to work. Wednesdays are Five After Five, so it was only $5 each for us and the babies were free.

We got inside the Museum about 6:30 and just started winding our way to the top. Little Warrior was a bit nervous (and a bit short!) so we had to carry him most of the time, but he loved the exhibits, especially the ones on the 4th floor where he could see everything since the walls were glass.

The Museum has a temporary Maya exhibit and we decided to visit it last, although after we got in there, I was wishing we had gone there first so we could see everything. The architecture and the colors were amazing!

We finally dragged ourselves away and we took Little Warrior home. Teach and her family had packed up almost an hour before since they didn't eat dinner before they came. I want to go back in February when the kids have free passes so we can spend more time in the Maya exhibit. Maybe then we can take all the babies!

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