
Oct 17, 2018

Up Late Again

Yes, I'm up late again.

And you want to know why? Because tomorrow is the last and final deadline for Reflections entries at the high school and although this was not a priority when they were messing around on the weekend or even a couple of weeks ago, now they are stressed. And by extension, I mean me.

Honestly, it drives me crazy. I have always been one of those people who has pulled things together early, to even let them sit for a while if necessary (like the treat bags for Baby Doll's birthday party next Tuesday...all done!). It couldn't just be that I'm avoiding housework... could it?

But that brings me back to my original dilemma.

I don't know how to burn these two DVDs for Crafty. She did a beautiful dance and then today she did a really sweet film. Both are stuck in the computer...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, your DVD's are stuck; that is awful. You do so many awesome things for your family and others. Take care and don't overdo.
