
Oct 19, 2018

A Fall Break Stay-cation

It's Fall Break and the kids are out of school. Scout is home from her California trip. She had so much fun! I don't want to steal her thunder, so I will let her tell you all about it in the next day or two. Today started our first day of our Stay-cation.

My sweetie took a couple of days off so we could do some last minute fun things with the kids before the craziness of the holidays hits. I was surprised how many of my friends were in California this week or Yellowstone or some other crazy place when there are so many fun things to do right here in town.

I think we are heading for the zoo in the morning (since we used our dog-sitting money to buy a yearly pass) and then maybe downtown and over to City Creek in the afternoon. We are trying to decide between Boondocks and a movie for our evening entertainment.

My sweetie sealed the hardwood floors this morning, so anything to get the kids out of the house for a while. Some of us are even spending a few nights in a hotel since we have sensitive noses. Curly actually has asthma, so we don't want it to flare up right before the last league football game on Saturday.

I'm trying to post for you from Sport's computer and I am having issues putting any kind of pics in here, but I will try to make it up for you tomorrow. Can't wait to see where our grand adventure will lead us... !

1 comment:

  1. I'm back from my 10 days fast from Social Media. Missed reading your posts. Your plan for the break looks like a really fun one. Wishing you all a wonderful time.
    Blessings and hugs!
