
Oct 15, 2018

A Grand Adventure for Scout

It's after 2:00 AM and I am still up.

Maybe that is because my sweetie let me take a 4-hour nap today after church. I couldn't believe it when I checked my cell phone and the time really did say 6:24. Baby Doll and Curly both go back on track tomorrow, so everyone will be in school again except for Scout.

She is off on a grand adventure.

Really. She is headed for Catalina Island with her girl scout group. This is the first time she has been away from home on her own before and her first time in an airplane. My sweetie and I were up at 6:00 AM to take her to the airport. She was meeting her group at 7:00.

She was nervous about packing last night because they were limited to one carry-on for four days and they had to take a sleeping bag. Thank goodness we had a backpacking one from Sport's camping days last year. It only took up a third of her space...

We finally got everything in there and honestly, it wasn't even that hard to squeeze. She is used to traveling light since we usually have so much luggage and limited cargo space when we travel as a family. It was difficult to get her out of bed this morning and into the car. She didn't want to leave the safety of the car once we arrived at the airport, but when it became evident that we weren't giving in, she dragged herself out and allowed us to lead her to the meeting spot.

We waited with her until it was time for the to head to security. I don't think she wanted to be embarrassed, so after a minute of hugging, and a quick pic, off she went with the rest of the girls and not a second look back. I heard from her leader this evening that she loved the plane ride and was having a blast at the aquarium sleepover. And her grand adventure has just begun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds like such a fun adventure for Scout. I know what that very first airplane ride is like. I am so happy that she liked it. I will look forward to hearing about her trip.
    Blessings and hugs for Scout!
