
Oct 14, 2018

Happy Baptism Day, Baby Doll

We had a beautiful, nearly perfect day this morning. It started about 8:00 for me (after another late night) when I crawled out of bed to put the final preparations on our breakfast celebration. Thankfully, Drama Queen had come over early and finished up the last minute cleanup and prep work so everything was nearly ready.

She also braided Baby Doll's hair so it would stay down and not require her to be immersed a second time. After she was dressed and ready to go, we sat down to breakfast with many family and extended family members. It was so nice to meet and eat before the actual ordinance at the church.

Half way done...
 At 9:30, my sweetie, Baby Doll and I rode over to the church. She and I went into the dressing room and she changed into her baptism dress. She looked so beautiful and so grown up as you can tell. Just before we entered the chapel, we managed to snap a couple of pictures since we can't take them during the actual baptism and confirmation.

Nice healthy breakfast, Baby Doll...
 The meeting began right on time and when it was our turn, our family sang the special musical number. After one more talk it was time for Baby Doll to be baptized. She was the first of the 4 children to have a turn. Grandpa and The Beast were the witnesses and she was only immersed once by her daddy (good thing I sewed the weights in the bottom of the dress last night!). Then I helped her changed in the dressing room before we went into the confirmation.

Our girl was simply beaming as she shook hands and thanked her family and friends for coming. I am so proud of her and her good choices. Love you, Baby Doll!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Baby Doll on her baptism. I think that is such a spectacular occasion.
    I loved the photos and the thoughts on it all.
    Blessings and hugs for Baby Doll!
