
Oct 4, 2018

Love to Learn

I have been blessed with smart children. I don't want to brag, but these kids of mine are truly amazing! Scout and I did Parent Teacher Conferences today and she has an A in each and every class.

Yesterday I helped Crafty with her Sterling Scholar application and she has never had less than an A since she started middle school and here she is, a senior, getting ready to graduate. On her transcript her class ranking says 1 of 845. Now I'm sure there are 50 other people who are also ranked #1 because anyone with a 4.0 average is in that position, but that is still an awesome place to be.

Most of my other kids have also been high achievers and self-motivated as well and I'm so grateful.

The Lord must have known that stressing too much over kids' grades and excessive homework would have been more than I could handle with 12 of them, so he made that part of my life relatively easy. I think that might be part of the reason most of my girls have talked about becoming educators. They love to learn and they don't see it ending just because they graduate.

1 comment:

  1. You should be very happy and proud of your children. They are indeed high achievers and getting straight A's is such a great accomplishment. Hugs for all you awesome children and for you too!
