
Oct 2, 2018

Bridal Veil Falls

We left the Leader/Daughter a little earlier than we had planned and Teach wanted to go on a hike so we stopped just down the road at Bridal Veil Falls. Scout and Drama Queen wanted to stay in the car, but we convinced them it wasn't very far and it would be worth it.

The leaves are just starting to turn here in Utah, and the short hike was beautiful. They were not sad they came. Baby Doll and Teach took a hike up to the lower falls, but the rest of us just wandered along the trail to the bottom.

There were people playing in the small pool of water at the bottom of the falls, so Scout decided she wanted to wander out in the middle of the water and stand on a large rock. She had borrowed Teach's shoes, and it was pretty funny watching her try hard to not get them wet and then finally giving up and throwing them back to us on dry ground.

On our way back up the trail, we decided to exercise our Girl Scout principles and Leave No Trace. We gathered garbage all the way to the parking lot. It was amazing how much stuff had been left behind by careless hikers.

A quick stop at the fruit stand to buy my sweetie a box of peaches and then we were on our way home. I sure love spending time with my girls.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that does look like a last minute adventure to take while going home from your mother and daughter activity. You are such a fun Mom. Blessings and hugs!
