
Oct 1, 2018

Leader/Daugher Retreat

Friday and Saturday were the Leader/Daughter Retreat at Trefoil Ranch. I only had half of my daughters with me this time... Drama Queen, Teach, Scout, and Baby Doll. The others had work or small babies that kept them at home this year.

We left late because Baby Doll's best friend had a birthday party and she didn't want to miss it, but it didn't matter too much other that when we got there we were given the corner of the common area in the lodge for our sleeping quarters. While Teach and Drama Queen dragged 5 mattresses from one of the other buildings, I got us all checked in. We immediately stepped into the back of the line for dinner and that began our activities.

The girls did crafts and they gave each of us a gift that included a homemade apron with fabric that had GS cookies on it. Drama Queen was so excited! She loves aprons. Then we all donned our jackets for a short night hike. It was much steeper than I was expecting and the cool night air burned in my chest, but we eventually made it to the meadow where we were each given a peppermint Lifesaver that would spark when we bit down on it.

The way back was much easier! We played cards at the table while the other girls and moms got ready for bed. When the lights dimmed at 11:00, most of the girls were finally gone from our common area and we were ready to lay out our beds.

The night was long and difficult as I tossed and turned on a 3-inch mattress, but when morning dawned bright and early, it was all forgotten. We had breakfast and after cleaning up and loading my car, we said our goodbyes. Another fantastic could have only been better if all my girls could have been with us.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic fun moment to do with your daughter. It would have been so fun to have them all there. However, I knowyou had a great time with your daughters. It sounded like such a fun night. Sorry, you had to sleep in the common area and the mattress wasn’t that great. Loved reading about this adventure.
    Blessings and hugs!
