
Oct 6, 2018

Field Trip! Visiting Hogle Zoo

We finally managed to take our trip to the Hogle Zoo on Thursday. Princess and Tadpole showed up about 9:00 AM and before 10:00 we had all the babies settled and everyone in the car. By babies, I mean Twizlet, Tadpole, and Skittles. Rounding out our little group that entirely filled my car were Baby Doll, Princess, Bossy, Curly, and me.

The drive to the zoo was long, but Bossy did the driving and I must admit to grabbing a tiny bit of sleep while I could. I'm afraid I have been keeping some pretty late nights lately, but that in no way dampered my enthusiasm for the new baby giraffe. (I almost said "tiny," but then I realized that little guy was taller than me...}

Our second stop was to ride the train (since we had the babies out of their strollers already... how did I ever manage when I was a young mom?) Twizlet loved the train ride, but in an effort to please everyone, we decided to see a few more animals.

Monkeys, zebras, lions... Twizlet loved them all. She had obviously been to a zoo before because she was totally fine to see the animals behind glass and then (for the most part) not want to grab, pet, harass them any more.

Our favorite stop was the carousel. After the first time, Bossy and Princess found a quiet bench where they could feed their babies. The rest of us kept going round and around! We were on our own guided tour and that meant that we could skip things or stay longer.

We ultimately made our way back to the front and headed for the gate.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you manage to get them all to the Zoo and have such a great time. It really is amazing to me. I loved the fun photos and it looked like a great adventure even with the babies. How did we do it when we were young.
    Blessings and hugs!
