
Oct 8, 2018

Happy Birthday, Baby Doll

We had this whirlwind weekend full of General Conference and two birthday parties. Since I was sick last Sunday and we cancelled Crafty's party, we managed to slip it into Saturday night right after the Women's Conference. I loved walking into the church with 7 of my 8 daughters and then listening to the speakers and our dear prophet. So many changes going on in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

Crafty wanted strawberry shortcake.

We woke up this morning to Drama Queen's Belgian waffles covered with strawberries and whipped cream. It was the perfect beginning to a fun family day. We had 4 more hours of  conference on TV and then in the evening all the kids joined us (except for Prima Donna) for dinner. We also had Li'l Sis and her family help us celebrate for Baby Doll.

Mmmm. which one should I blow out first?

My sweetie made turkey soup with homemade noodles. I didn't even have to frost the cake. Crafty and Bossy took care of that. Baby Doll loved her gifts and was excited to share them with her brothers and sisters, especially the pie that Dog Walker made for her. I should have gotten a pic for you. It was Sprite-flavored.

In other exciting weekend news, Dog Walker got the corn maze up. I'm sure he will share pics with you soon. Things are getting colder and I'm expecting we will see things freeze up in the next week or so. It's finally starting to feel like fall.

1 comment:

  1. I have a picture of the pie to send to you, if you want.
