
Jul 18, 2018

Amazing Things Happening

I've been so busy today and running on so little sleep. Adrenaline and excitement can do that to me! Two amazing things happened today. The first one was this morning when I got to take my Baby Doll to the orthopedic doc to see if her cast was ready to come off.

It was!!

It didn't take long for her to saw it off, but it has taken all day for Baby Doll to decide it's ok to use it again. I hope she doesn't even remember it when she wakes up tomorrow.

The second amazing thing was this evening when my sweetie, Sport, and I all got a chance to meet our new little grandson. We still haven't settled on a blog name for him, but I think Hot Tamale would be good...

He is still on oxygen and a feeding tube even though he looks like a regular-sized baby. His hair is awesome; so thick and black and soft. Hopefully he won't have to stay in the hospital for long. I think Bossy will be released on Thursday or Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy for that sweet little Baby Doll to get her cast off. I hope she will feel totally comfortable.
    Congratulations on that new little Grandson. He is so adorable. I will be sending prayers that he get’s to come home soon.
    I really loved all the photos. Wishing for you some good sleep!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs for all!
