
Jul 19, 2018

Tuacahn's Prince of Egypt

If you have been watching my girl scout troop for any length of time, you know that our favorite activity is our annual trip to Tuacahn to see one of their outdoor musicals. This time the girls voted for Prince of Egypt, so I made the arrangements and today was the day we loaded up the cars and made our trek to St. George.

We like to choose the preview shows because they are so much cheaper than the others! Anyway, we arrived in St. George about 6:15 and Drama Queen ran to Domino's to pick up our pizzas while I checked into the motel. Some of the girls wanted to swim before the show, so they ate quickly and went to change.

At 8:00 we were on our way to the outdoor theatre. The show was terrific (no pics of course) and the two male leads had amazing voices that blended so well. The parting of the Red Sea was definitely my favorite part although the fireworks were good too.

It was long; starting at 8:45 and not ending until about 11:30. We got back to the hotel just after midnight and the kids all drifted off to their rooms. Drama Queen will be taking the girl scouts home tomorrow and my sweetie and I are taking the five youngest a different direction for a little vacation. I'm so excited to tell you all about it, but I haven't slept much all week and the morning will be coming so early. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved your fun photos andI think this scout trip is an awesome tradition. It sounds so fun. Wishing for you a wonderful vacation with your 5 children. Loved the photos of your children on this post. Blessings and hugs!
