
Jul 17, 2018

Welcome Little One!

As you know, Bossy and Gamer were expecting a boy somewhere around the 20th of August. She has been having trouble and has spent a few days here and there in the hospital. This morning she asked me to call the doctor one more time since she was at work and outgoing calls were not allowed while she is on the phones.

The doctor suggested she go to the hospital, so she signed out of work and headed that direction just before noon. Gamer joined her shortly afterward. It has been a roller coaster of a day with her not knowing the plan since they didn't want to do anything so early unless it was absolutely necessary.

Finally, about 10:30 this evening she called to tell me they were likely planning to deliver tonight. At 11:02 they took her back for a C-section and at 11:41 our sweet (not so) little grandson took his first breath. He weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20 inches long. Not bad for a premie!

We haven't even chosen a blog name for him yet and right now Bossy is getting some well-deserved rest while he spends his first night in the NICU. I can't wait to get up there tomorrow and meet him in person. He certainly has his daddy's black hair!


  1. The blog name could be Chimichanga.

  2. I bet he’s the biggest kiddo in the nicu, what a blessing! Hope he is doing well and that Bossy has an easy recovery! Congratulations to your family!!

  3. Wow,that is awesome! Conratulations on a new grandchild. So happy that it went well. He looks like a healthy baby.
    Blessings and hugs for all!!
