
May 16, 2018

My Crazy Schedule

I always tell people that May is busier than December in so many ways! Maybe if we didn't have softball/baseball games 4 nights a week, not including practices. Or the end-of-year stuff... you know, concerts, tests, pictures... things like that.

Tonight I have an absolutely impossible schedule.

Here is just Curly's:

3:45 Home from school
4:00 Get a Haircut
5:15 Jazz pictures in full costume (at least I found the missing Jazz shoe at the studio yesterday!)
6:00 Scouts (this one we had to beg out of)
6:15 Ballet pictures in full costume (I hope they are running early...)
6:30 Baseball pictures at the park with his team (I hope they are running late...)
6:45 Warm-ups
7:30 Baseball game
9:00 Homework and late to bed... again...

Somewhere around that schedule, I have to get Baby Doll to dance and pick her up, Scout to her 6:30 softball game and home again, Sport to work and home again, and Crafty to the Conference Center downtown to her rehearsal for the Cultural Celebration on Saturday.

Little Warrior went home with his mom last night, but I will have Twizlet with me for most of the afternoon as well. I don't have a single piece of bread in the house and only about half a gallon of milk, so I probably should be shopping instead of complaining for you.

I did get plenty of sleep last night and I do love a challenge. I'll let you know how this one goes...


  1. We cheered the day that our city stopped doing sports pictures. No more basketball, baseball, or soccer team pictures. We never bought them anyway. They are totally needless now that most phones takes a better picture than the professional photographers can take. All of our sports pics are action shots of our kids on the field!


  2. Wow, I know I was busy in this era of child rearing; but this looks like a super challenge. Knowing you; you're up for it. Yes, I will love your report so I can take a nap after reading it.
    I am happy you got some sleep.
    Blessings and hugs?
