
May 14, 2018

Surviving and Thriving

We had a lot of fun today, but not much sleep. Little Warrior sleeps at daycare and at home, but NOT at Grandma's! Thank goodness Drama Queen came over this morning on her day off to make sure I was surviving and thriving.

After a quick trip to the dentist so I could have my new crown seated, we went out to lunch at Chick-fil-A. (She felt bad because she missed our celebration on Saturday...) It turned out to be the 10th Birthday Celebration at CFA and we both won free breakfast entrees so we can make another trip later on.

We also stopped at Penney's and I bought Twizlet a shirt, Little Warrior a pair of pants and a shirt, and a pair of pants and a skirt for Baby Doll and I paid less than $5 with my $10 reward. I always love getting a great deal!
Who needs sleep? Let's play!

The rain started up this afternoon and it turned out that all of the ballgames and practices were cancelled, but not until we had spent almost 2 hours on the road trying to get to all of them. My kids are finally in bed and my house is pretty clean thanks to Drama Queen, so I think I'm going to try to climb into my own bed before Little Warrior wakes up and decides it's time to play.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, another fun day in your world. I loved the photo of you with your sweet baby. One day of rain and a day off from sports; right?? I love how you get the good deals.
    Blessings and hugs!
