
May 18, 2018


I survived! You probably figured that out already. It was one of those days that look impossible and then miraculously, the end of the day comes and everything works out one way or the other. With Curly's day, we got the pictures all done, and they even managed to win their baseball game 15-4. (And his haircut looks terrific if I do say so myself.)

Today wasn't quite as difficult although it wasn't a cake walk either. Sport had his end of year concert at the high school at 5:30, right in the middle of the softball/baseball practices. Scout and Crafty managed to get downtown for their rehearsal for the cultural celebration and my sweetie went to work until it was time to pick them up. By 10:00, I had all the homework done and the younger kids in bed. Sport is taking his first AP test tomorrow, so he went to bed early as well.

I spent the last 3 hours multitasking. First I loaded up the washer and dryer and got them doing my laundry for me, then I put in a DVD about President Hinckley's life, and I started embroidering hankies for the temple dedication. I did half of the 24 I have to do while also piecing a quilt top for the baby quilt we are going to tie at our Girl Scout Sleepover next weekend. It was nice to have a few productive hours.

Tomorrow should be a relatively quiet day. I'm looking forward to easing into the busy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You continue to astound me. I think it is fantastic that you did 24 Handkerchiefs for the dedication. How you manage to multitask all that you do is just amazing.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!
