
May 19, 2018

Are You Ready?

I forgot to tell you that yesterday Princess and The Frog and Tadpole all came up and took me to lunch for Mother's Day. We enjoyed sandwiches and salads at the Village Baker. I think Twizlet had more fun playing with my food than she did eating it.

Tonight we had to pick up the girls after their rehearsal downtown, so we decided to make an evening of it. Unfortunately, my phone was nearly dead, so I didn't get to take any pics for you, but we parked near the Conference Center and then walked about half a mile to a little Chinese/Thai place. The food was good and we had enough left to keep the girls from starving on the way home. We couldn't stop and buy them anything because Crafty had a homework assignment that was due at midnight. We rolled in just after 11:00 and since I didn't hear any wailing or gnashing of teeth, I'm assuming she got it turned in by the deadline.

Tomorrow is the big day of the Cultural Celebration and then the rededication of the Jordan River temple on Sunday. I'm excited to see it all come together! We can watch it streaming at 2:00 MST at If you get a chance to tune in, look for Crafty in a gold dress and Scout in a foam green one.

1 comment:

  1. I love the adorable photos of Princess, Frog, and Tadpole. I love that they took you to lunch for Mother's day. The cultural celebration was a wonderful event for the youth of the church. I think it is awesome your children were in the production. I am thrilled that the temple is finally dedicated and opened.
    Blessings and hugs!
