
May 20, 2018

Just Another Saturday

We had a great day today! Curly went to the Tracy Aviary with his Cub Scout den and they sent us a bunch of cute pics, but this is my favorite.


While they were off having fun, my sweetie and I took Scout and Baby Doll to their softball games. Sadly, the games were right over the top of each other so I ended up watching Scout since she volunteered me to keep score, and my sweetie watched Baby Doll on the opposite field.

Scout's game was late getting started which was a big problem since she had to be at the church at 11:30 for the carpool downtown to the Conference Center. We made it with about 4 minutes to spare.

After the game, I took a nap for about an hour and got up just in time to watch the Cultural Celebration on TV. We had some great views of Crafty, but technical issues during Scout's part of the show, so I'm going to have to watch it again when I can really concentrate on finding her.

A quick trip to the store after that so we could be prepared for Bean Dip's birthday party tomorrow (that boy is turning 16!) and then we gathered the kids up and took them downtown again, but for the Bees game this time. These were our last 10 tickets from the Sing-a-long and we had just enough to take Taco and Burrito with us.

It was a good game. The Bees were down by 1 point when we left at the beginning of the 9th inning, but the kids were tired and it had been a long day for all of us. I just checked the score and they actually lost by 4 points in that final inning.

Getting an autograph.

I finished embroidering the last of the hankies for the dedication tomorrow and I'm excited to get a little sleep tonight. Maybe...

1 comment:

  1. You do manage to pack a lot of activities in one day. Just amazing!
    I'm happy you could get a quick nap.
    The Tracy Aviary is a beautiful place to visit. I think the cultural celebration was a significant activity. My Granddaughter enjoyed it.
    Of course, a Bee's game would be exciting too.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
