
Apr 27, 2018

Guest Blogger: Helping at Grandma's by the Dog Walker

 It feels like the last time I guest blogged was when I told all of you about the little apartment that Cat Lover and I are living in for at least a year until we make enough money to find a home of our own. And speaking of a home, my dad asked me today since it was my day off of work to come along to Mt Pleasant with him to help him out at grandma's house. At first I wasn't quite sure about that, because I was looking forward to spending some more quality time with my wife, since my wife misses me too much whenever I'm working full time. I had to talk with Cat Lover about it and she said that it would be okay for me to go help my grandma with her yard.

My dad was quite prepared a lot when loading up Drama Queen's truck with gardening tools and hardware tools. When we got there, we didn't need the gardening tools, because we've heard that the Young Women in grandma's ward have helped clean up her yard by picking up branches and raking up leaves. It seems that they've done a very good job at making sure her yard was in good shape and in good hands. Instead, we had to do some powerwashing on her little patio because it hadn't been taken care of for years. It was quite a challenge for me to do powerwashing because it was hard not to damage anything, especially the hard work we've done on painting her house.

Every few minutes of working, there would be those minutes of break that we visit with grandma and talk with her about our personal lives. When I had a breather and visited with grandma by myself, she and I were talking about how things are working out with Cat Lover and that the marriage is still going good, even if we both miss each other when we have the days when we are scheduled to work for money. And speaking of money, she, Dad and I also talked about the fact that Grandma won't be able to drive her car and that she would let Cat Lover buy it with our money by the time she's ready to sell her car. As you can tell, it's a really nice car that she had been driving for some of the years until a few years ago that she started having a fragile body. She had been told by her doctor that she needs to be careful on how she walks, that's also why there were those times when my dad made iron rods for grandma to guide herself up and down a few steps. I'm starting to get off subject, but anyway, Grandma told me that when the time comes when Cat Lover has her license, Grandma will be able to sell this car to her. So that she and I can drive to our jobs without having to do pick ups and drop offs.

After we were done powerwashing her patio and sidewalks, we visited with Grandma a little more before we packed ourselves up to go home for the day. It turned out that it was really nice to visit with grandma on my day off and that we've done some good service for her. It's been a big thing for all of us ever since we started growing up and creating our own little families. I hope this story has been inspiring to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Dog Walker this was an inspiring story. I loved that you went with your Dad to do service for your Grandmother. I really loved that you spent time visiting with her. I'm a grandma, and I love visiting with my older grandchildren. You are awesome! I love that she will sell her car to your sweet wife when she get's her license; that is great.
    Blessings and hugs to you two!
