
Apr 28, 2018

Babies Galore!

We had so much fun at our Girl Scout troop meeting today! It took some major planning, but we worked on the Babysitter badge and we managed to have 3 babies of various ages and a preschooler here. You know, I had never realized my youngest grandbabies are all six months apart (not counting our sweet angel baby, Calder). Twizlet is the oldest at nearly 15 months, Little Warrior is next at about 9 months, Tadpole is 3 months, and our yet-to-be-named little one of Bossy's is due in approximately 3 months.

We talked about all the babies in their different stages and how they would have to be taken care of in different ways. It was fun and informative. We had enough moms here to give each of us a chance to talk about a stage in life and then we let the girls read stories to the babies.

Some were more receptive than others...

Some even liked to be held more than others...

But I'm pretty sure every scout had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. I think this was a fantastic idea for a GS activity. I am sure they learned a lot. I loved having you list how far apart each of your grandchildren is. It seems like just yesterday that you had that first grandbaby. Wow, time flies!
    Big hugs~
