
Apr 30, 2018

Congratulations, Princess!

Such a busy weekend! I've hardly had time to think, let alone write, but I will skip all the Saturday busyness for you and just talk about Sunday. Do you remember when I told you a couple of months ago that Princess had finished her BS in Elementary Education from UVU?

Well, this week is Commencement and we convinced her that she should walk in her Convocation on Friday. And you know that means we just had to have a party for her!! We had about 50 family members and friends here to celebrate with us. My sweetie made barbecued chicken and we had a great time in the backyard (until it started to get cold.)

The kids played Horseshoes and Bocce while most of the adults sat around and visited.

We were cleaning up when I realized I hadn't taken a single picture, so I asked Princess to pose for one.

Princess, we are so proud of you! Thanks for being such an awesome daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Princess; that is awesome. I am so happy that you are going to walk for your graduation. You will treasure that memory. Sounds like your family gave you a lovely party.
    Blessings and hugs!
