
Apr 26, 2018

Anyone Want Veggies?

Not long ago, our friends at Cave Tools offered another new product for us to try; a veggie basket to go on our grill! You might not know that I am a true vegetable fan. I honestly can't think of one that I don't like and my favorite way to eat them (besides raw) is to have them grilled. The problem is that the veggies always fall through the grill and get ruined, so we have had to resort to the 2nd best thing and that is to cover them with olive oil and roast them on cookie sheets in the oven.

My sweetie prepared the veggies the same way he normally does and then simply dumped them into the warm grill basket. They sizzled a bit as he closed the lid over the top and it wasn't long before they began to smell delicious. He stirred them a couple of times and then dumped the basket into a serving dish.

Then he filled the basket with pineapple and other yummy fruits and veggies. Grilled pineapple is the best! When he was finished, and our tummies were full, I asked him about his favorite features. He said that the sloped sides made it easy to stir and the solid metal was much better than the ones made out of mesh.

Our grill tends to have a few hot spots (we may or may not have had a nice little fire going on last weekend...) and the thick metal of the basket helped spread the heat evenly so we didn't have some things half raw and others half burned.

When we were finished, I tossed the basket in the dishwasher and it came out beautifully; no extra scrubbing or anything. His final parting comment was "Over the years I have had numerous baskets, grills, and other doodads for grilling vegetables. Most get used once and discarded... this one is a keeper."

So there you have it, the perfect gift for Father's Day from the perfect father (I might be a bit biased), and it's not even that expensive, but I can still hook you up with a coupon code and save you 15% if you want to buy it off the Cave Tools website. Just add the promo code VEGGIE15 at checkout. Or if you would prefer to buy it off Amazon, the code won't work, but you can get free shipping with Prime, and Amazon is running its own specials if you buy more than one thing.

We love Cave Tools products and this one definitely does not disappoint!

***We received a free Vegetable Basket for our open and honest review.***

1 comment:

  1. That grill basket does look awesome. I will probably purchase this one. I loved grilled veggies. Thanks for this review!
    Blessings and hugs!
