
Mar 7, 2018

Watching the Jazz Play

You know how much I love basketball! Last night we had the opportunity to run downtown and watch the Jazz play the Orlando Magic. It's funny to me that we finally got our free tickets from Jr. Jazz well after the season was over. My kids enjoyed the game, but they would have had so much more fun a month ago when they were all still playing.

It was a good game, but the Jazz were ahead pretty much the entire time. The most exciting part was when they chose our section as the "winning" section and they threw tiny basketball balls and other prizes into the stands. Scout was super excited to receive a small box with Jazz earrings and cuff links (which required a little explaining since the kids had no idea what to do with them).

We got home just after 10:00 pm and the kids were all tired and definitely ready to sleep. This morning I woke up to find a small box of popcorn on my desk. It seems that Curly held it all through the game and then carried it to the car for me. He knows how much I love it.

Such a sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is awesome that could attend a game. We have been following them more this year. Maybe it is because they have been winning more. Loved your photos and I think it is so sweet he saved the Popcorn for you.
    Blessings and hugs!
