
Mar 8, 2018

Bingham Monster Concert

I've been chasing around all day delivering cookies and taking care of kids, so it was actually a pleasure to finally sit down in the auditorium tonight for Sport's Monster Concert. Bingham had both of their feeder schools' bands play, then Bingham, and then all three bands together.

The blond guy sitting down on the left is our own Sport.

I just loved their final number with everyone as they played the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I think I've told you before that I would much rather watch a sporting event than a concert, but this number was so beautiful and stirring that I didn't want it to end.

Sport is still on the fence about playing in the high school band next year, so this was a good chance for him to get to know the director a little better so he can make these hard choices. I can't believe how rapidly the school year is coming to a close. The little kids got off track for the last time this year next week. It will be nice to have them home and not have to worry about homework all the time.

Now if I could just not have to worry about cookies...

1 comment:

  1. This concert looks like it was a wonderful . With three bands playing the last number would be spectacular. Bingham seems to have so many excellent school programs. I am impressed. I do hope Sport decides to be in the band; it will be a great experience.
    Hugs of Sport!
