
Mar 9, 2018

CTE Influencer Award

So many amazing things have sort of slipped through the cracks as we concentrated on the wedding last week. Crafty was invited to an awards ceremony at Bingham where she was presented with the CTE Influencer Award for her work in the preschool and as an FCCLA officer.

We went to school early and she was presented with a certificate and a pin. There were 21 students who were honored from a student body of over 2500 students. They snapped pics for the yearbook and then we were given huge cinnamon rolls that were made in the school kitchen. They were pretty tasty!

Crafty has been doing great things this year and I am so proud of her for her hard work and accomplishments.


  1. Okay so I work in education, and I don't know what CTE is. I Googled it: Traumatic Brian Injury. Crafy received an award for her influence on traumatic brain injury? Really?

    Also, I don't know what FJ-something-something-something-A is.

    Sorry I'm such a fool!


  2. Wow, that is such a wonderful achievment. Crafty is doing some great thing and is very talented; I'm sure you are extremely proud of her.
    Sending hugs Crafty's way!

  3. CTE at Bingham includes the following sections:
    CTE - Family and Consumer Science
    CTE - Information Technology
    CTE - Applied Technology
    CTE - Business
    Does that help?

    FCCLA is Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (basically FHA when we were kids).
    Hope that helps!

  4. Oh, and CTE means Career Technical Education.
